They pick up the ball and start to make it happen," Joyce says. "They set solid goals they are builders who create a foundation. The fixed signs pick up in the middle of every season and stabilize things, she adds. "You have a strong inner world," Joyce notes. Cardinal signs kick off the start of every season and represent new beginnings and fresh starts. (For example, earth sign Virgo, fire sign Sagittarius, water sign Pisces, and air sign Gemini are all also mutable signs.)ītw, when it comes to timing, here's what your birth month says about your personality:īesides straight-up timing, each sign differs in what they bring to the table, er, universe.
These also represent different stages of development, says Linda Joyce, professional astrologer and author of The Day You Were Born: A Journey to Wholeness Through Astrology and Numerology.The four elements of the zodiac-fire, air, earth, and water-get divided three times, meaning one sign of each falls into the category of cardinal, fixed, or mutable. In the simplest terms, cardinal signs start each season, mutable signs end every season, and fixed signs are smack dab in the middle of the season, Hale explains. Each represents a certain stage of development and corresponds with the four seasons. Lesley Hale, an astrologer for, says the signs are divided into three different timeframes, with mutables being last. Depending on your Sun sign, you're either a cardinal sign (Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn), a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), or a flowy ~mutable~ sign (Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Gemini).

Pause-my whatta sign? Here's the astrolo-tea: The 12 signs of the zodiac are split into three basic groups, each with its own characteristics. Granted, you probably know your sun sign, your moon sign, and, if you’re really dedicated, your rising sign.but do you know if you're a fixed, cardinal, or mutable sign? If you can't get out of bed without checking your horoscope or spend more time perusing the scarily accurate Pattern app than you do Instagram, you might think you know everything you need to about astrology.